Friday, July 10, 2009

Must have now!!!

Not much gets the nerdgasm going these days.
E3 gets me hyped up, but it more the event and all the neat things that could be coming that get the juices flowing.
But then my stumblings around the fine internet brought this magic to me.

OH YES!!!! Mechwarrior is back baby!!!
Not much is cooler than a Mechwarrior game. The only reason I'm not playing Mechwarrior game right this second is that I don't have a rig that can play a Mechwarrior game.
I think that may just have to change when this little wonder comes along.
Looking at the video, this will be a reboot of the entire franchise. Mechwarrior 4 left off with the end of the FedCom Civil War and the beginning of the Jihad (there comes the total nerd again).
Instead of continuing the story from there, the creaters of the game decided to head back to just before the Fourth Succession War which would be by the video 3015.
This is a great time frame to set the reboot of the franchise. You don't have to worry about the Clans and their superior technology and you can just focus on the gameplay and the story.
IGN also had the first details of what the game will be like. Reading those questions and answers makes me feel like this game is going to be solid.
The coolest parts of this for me were watching that tariler and seeing that heat translates. You could see on the Warhammer when he fires his PPC that the arm is red-hot for a while and then cools down. The interesting thing with the fiction was that sometimes a pilot would at times fire too much and the weapon would seal shut from the heat melting the end together. We may see this happening.
Overall, I'm so excited that I think this hype will subdue my anger of the delay of Fallout 3 DLC. Which Bethesda said they will give an update on next week. Stay tuned.

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