Friday, July 24, 2009

On the outside looking in

Being stuck in Oklahoma sometimes sucks.
I'm here in Oklahoma while the whole world of geekdom is in San Diego right now at Comic-Con. Do I like comics? Not really, but what I do like is video game news, and Comic-Con is the place for news.
The biggest news coming out today is not pointed at myself, but it's huge news.
Halo: Reach will be Bungie's last XBox 360 game.
Speaking to Gamerzines at Comic-Con, senior game designer Lars Bakken said...
"In terms of a platform for Halo games made by Bungie...yes Reach is the last one. I can't answer that question about Microsoft - whether they have something in the works or not, I don't know if they're actually ready to talk about it yet. But in terms of Bungie-produced Halo games, ODST and Reach is all you're going to get on 360."
That's just sad for XBox fans, as Halo is arguably the best shooter for the console and built the rabid fan base that the franchise holds.
As for me, the most exciting thing was a gameplay trailer released for the Nintendo DS title, Scribblenauts.
This is THE game I have been waiting for, a big surprise for a portable title.
I just want to see if I can break the game, but it's been said that it is impossible.
But anyway, here's the trailer.

See you tomorrow, maybe I will actually have something cool to say. Likely not, the house has been uber busy lately so the system has been mainly used to watch DVDs. Oh well, at least I can finally see Watchmen tonight.
I know, it's awful that I'm just getting around to watching it now.
Fudge ya.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Not a lot to say

So since it's summer and I don't have much to say, I will just rail on how much I hate exclusive gaming.
Many people don't have the money to buy all three major systems, and I count myself in that group as well. Therefore, companies are doing themselves a disservice by keeping a game out of my hands.
Look, Valve is likely the most innovative and awesome creator of games like Half-Life and Left 4 Dead. However, they don't publish for the PS3.
Now, this is not because of any kind of agreement with Microsoft, it's because they don't have the manpower to code for the PS3.
This I somewhat understand. If you don't have the ability to do a port to the PS3 then that's cool.
Where I get riled up are the sweetheart deals that keep DLC and games out of the hands of fans.
Fallout 3 DLC, GTA 4 DLC, inFAMOUS, Littlebigplanet all four are the first games or content off the top of my head that could be making a lot more in the hands of other consoles.
Bethesda is finally putting out their content for PS3, but Rockstar has shown no desire to send the GTA stuff my way and Sony will never let go of their star properties that could be the make or break for their system. There's just either too much money spent or too much money to be gained exclusively for them to budge on the matter.
I think it was Todd Howard of Bethesda who was talking once and said that he wants to see an end-all, be-all system that can play everything.
I agree totally, but I think we all know that it will never happen.
Oh well, a guy can dream can't he?